
School of Nursing

Peer Mentoring

Diverse School of Nursing students in hallway of º£½ÇÂ×ÂÒ

Peer Mentors provide essential academic and social support to incoming º£½ÇÂ×ÂÒ nursing students, primarily assisting with the transition to nursing school through mentorship and collegiality.

The Peer Mentor Program in the School of Nursing provides a unique opportunity to welcome and support the transition of first-semester nursing students (colloquially called fifth-semester students) in the º£½ÇÂ×ÂÒ community.

Peer Mentors are well-adjusted, academically successful current nursing students who educate new students on campus resources, academic support, and co-curricular activities. The mentors play an active role in developing a sense of community and collegiality and plan regular social and academic development events throughout the first semester.

Peer Mentors also attend New Student Orientation to answer questions and guide their mentees through new challenges in nursing school for the first time.

For questions regarding the Peer Mentor Program, please contact the School of Nursing Student Success Center at SONStudentSuccess@uthscsa.edu.