
School of Nursing

READI Bibliography

Bibliography Related to developing, testing, and using the Readiness Estimate & Deployability Index (READI) in the U.S., Japan, Republic of Korea, Canada, and South Africa 


By Carol (Reineck) Huebner, Ph.D., FAAN, CENP, NEA-BC

Professor Emerita, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio TX

Prepared July 2019


Angelo, M. D. (2019). .

Dremsa, T. L., Resnick, B., Braun, R. F., Derogatis, L. R., McEntee, M., Turner, M., & Reineck, C. (2004). . Military Medicine, 169(1), 11–15.

Dremsa, T. L., Ryan-Wenger, N. A., & Reineck, C. (2006). Reliability and validity testing of a short form of the readiness estimate and deployability index revised for air force nurses. Military Medicine, 171(9), 879–884.

Elliott, B. (2015). . Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(5), 1066–1075.

Eun Guong, A., Choi, J. A., Ko, U. J., & Reineck, C. (2009). A Study of Republic of Korea Army Nurse Officers’ Perceived Level of Readiness. Journal of Military Nursing Research , 27(2), 5–26.

Jumat, J. D., Bezuidenhout, Marthie. C., & Neethling, T. G. (2014). . Curationis, 37(1), 9 pages.

Kovats, K., Morris, M., Reineck, C., & Finstuen, K. (2001). Nursing Readiness: Active Duty versus Army Reserve. Army Medical Department Journal, 30–38.

Maeda, T., Kotera, S., Matsuda, N., & Huebner, C. A. (2018). . Nursing & Health Sciences, 20(3), 346–354.

Maneesriwongul, W., & Dixon, J. K. (2004). Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(2), 175–186.

Oblea, P. N., Berry-Caban, C. S., Dumayas, J. Y., Adams, A. R., & Beltran, T. A. (2019). Evaluation of clinical nurse transition program at us army hospitals. Military Medicine, usz108.

Reineck, C. (1999). Individual readiness in nursing. Military Medicine, 164(4), 251–255.

Reineck, C. (2004). A self-assessment tool for emergency center RNs in preparation for disaster care. Topics in Emergency Medicine, 26(4), 349–356.

Reineck, C. (2011). Honoring Military Nursing Leadership: Focus on the U.S. Army Nurse Corps. AONE Voice of Nursing Leadership, 9(6), 12–14.

Reineck, C. A. (2009). About face! Five exemplary leadership practices applied in contrasting environments: Military and academic. Perioperative Nursing Clinics, 4(1), 1–6.

Reineck, C., & Farris , P. (2003). Case Management: Conserving the Fighting Strength in the U.S. Military . Care Management: The Official Journal of the Academy of Certified Case Managers, 9(4), 14–54.

Reineck, C., Finstuen, K., Connelly, L. M., & Murdock, P. (2001). Army nurse readiness instrument: Psychometric evaluation and field administration. Military Medicine, 166(11), 931–939.

Reineck Huebner, C. A. (2016). The rewarding challenge of measuring readiness to deploy. Military Medicine, 181(10), 1174–1175.

Rivers, F. M., Wertenberger, D. H., & Lindgren, K. (2006). U. S. Army professional filler system nursing personnel: Do they possess competency needed for deployment? Military Medicine, 171(2), 142–149.

Stevenson, M. A., Scholes, R. B., Dremsa, T. L., & Austin, P. N. (2007). Readiness estimate and deployability index for air force nurse anesthetists. Military Medicine, 172(1), 36–39.

Wilmoth, M. C., De Scisciolo, S., Gilchrest, L. J., & Dmochowski, J. (2007). The readiness estimate and deployability index and psychometric properties in army reserve nurses and medics. Military Medicine, 172(8), 800–805.