
School of Nursing

All Nursing Scholarships

  • Air Force Nurse Corps Foundation Endowed Scholarship

    Air Force Nurse Corps Foundation Endowed Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to undergraduate or early master's nursing students based on excellence in nursing and, academic performance and financial need. Consideration is given to students who have an affiliation with the military, but it is not a requirement to apply for the award. The undergraduate nursing student must have completed 1st semester in nursing. The early master's student can apply after completing 12 upper-division credit hours.

  • American Legion Post 336 Scholarship in Memory of Irwin Barath

    American Legion Post 336 Scholarship in Memory of Irwin Barath

    This scholarship will be awarded to students that possess a minimum 3.0 GPA and are active duty military or veterans.

  • Anne Fishburne Briscoe, MS, RN, BSN, BS, ADN, AA, CCRN/Anne Pickens Fishburne, R.N. Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Education

    Anne Fishburne Briscoe, MS, RN, BSN, BS, ADN, AA, CCRN/Anne Pickens Fishburne, R.N. Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Education

    Scholarships will be awarded to a non-traditional, 2nd degree student who is returning to school to pursue a Nursing degree. The award will be given to a student who has received his/her degree and been in the workforce and is returning to school. This scholarship is not a merit based nor financial need-based award. Students selected should encompass passion, ability and dedication to the nursing profession.

  • Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Scholarship (APHON) Scholarship

    Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Scholarship (APHON) Scholarship

    Scholarship will be awarded to a student that is enrolled as an undergraduate nursing student and has an interest in oncology and pediatrics. 

  • Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio Scholarship ProgramBaptist Health Foundation of San Antonio Scholarship Program

    Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio Scholarship ProgramBaptist Health Foundation of San Antonio Scholarship Program

    Scholarships will be awarded based on need and merit to students whose primary residence is in the eight county service area and whose intent, following graduation, is to remain and seek employment in the Foundation's eight county service area. Students who received the scholarship in the previous year are eligible for renewal as long as they still meet all of the original requirements.

  • Barbara and Sonny Wulfe Living Endowment Scholarship

    Barbara and Sonny Wulfe Living Endowment Scholarship

    Scholarship will be awarded to a qualified student enrolled in the PhD program. 

  • Barbara Warren Cramblet Memorial Scholarship

    Barbara Warren Cramblet Memorial Scholarship

    Scholarships to undergraduate or graduate nursing students who are current residents, alumni of schools, or who currently work in the healthcare profession in Guadalupe County, Texas.

  • Block-Dreeben Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Block-Dreeben Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to undergraduate and/or graduate nursing student(s) demonstrating the highest of academic excellence, a commitment to patient centered care, a desire to focus on the business administration aspects of health care, and an overall passion for the field of nursing. In addition to academic excellence, Block-Dreeben scholars should possess natural leadership traits and an inherent ability to take initiative.

  • Bobby W. Presley President's Scholarship

    Bobby W. Presley President's Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to deserving nursing students that demonstrate the values, integrity and character of General Presley, the namesake for the endowment. The scholarship recipient(s) shall be known as Bobby W. Presley Scholars and will be supported by this scholarship throughout their school career. 

  • Carol (Reineck) Huebner Endowed Nursing Scholarship for Veterans of the Armed Forces

    Carol (Reineck) Huebner Endowed Nursing Scholarship for Veterans of the Armed Forces

    Scholarships will be awarded to qualified student(s) in the School of Nursing that are enrolled in the Master's of Science in nursing program and classified as a current or former military servicemember. Veterans and active duty servicemembers will be required to provide proof of service via the school of nursing supplemental scholarship application. Veterans who have been honorably discharged will also be required to provide their DD214 through the Office of Veterans Services and Financial Aid.

  • Carol Ann Swartz President's Endowed Scholarship for Nursing Excellence

    Carol Ann Swartz President's Endowed Scholarship for Nursing Excellence

    Scholarships will be awarded to nursing student(s) who demonstrate the highest of academic excellence (minimum GPA of 3.3), a commitment to humanism, community services, and a passion for the field of nursing. 

  • Carolyn Regena Mueller, Ph.D., RN and Gary Louis Mueller, M.D., FACP, FACE Nursing Scholarship

    Carolyn Regena Mueller, Ph.D., RN and Gary Louis Mueller, M.D., FACP, FACE Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to a student enrolled in the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing program, possess a GPA of 3.0 or above, and have a research focus on the physical, mental and/or social health of children from birth through adolescence. 

  • Charles Arthur Eggleston and Alma Lee Eggleston Memorial Nursing Scholarship

    Charles Arthur Eggleston and Alma Lee Eggleston Memorial Nursing Scholarship

    The scholarship will be awarded to students who are enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program and possess a GPA of 3.0 or above.

  • Colonel Jean Migliorino Endowed Scholarship

    Colonel Jean Migliorino Endowed Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to a graduate nursing student who is enrolled in the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program, and who demonstrates academic excellence, and financial need. Preference will be given to Texas residents, and who intend to practice in the State of Texas. The graduate student must have completed nine (9) graduate credit hours. The award is based upon contribution to nursing, academic excellence, faculty recommendation and financial need.

  • Conchita Ajon Gealogo Nursing Scholarship

    Conchita Ajon Gealogo Nursing Scholarship

    Two scholarships will be awarded per year. One scholarship will be awarded to a student in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program and the other scholarship will be awarded to a student in the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner program.

  • Congressman Henry Bonilla Health Professions Scholarship

    Congressman Henry Bonilla Health Professions Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to students in good standing from the Texas 23rd Congressional District who may be of any classification and from any of the schools within the UTHSCSA. The scholarship is non-renewable and should be awarded to a different student each year. 

  • Council for Excellence in Women's Health Scholarship

    Council for Excellence in Women's Health Scholarship


    Council for Excellence in Women's Health Scholarship

  • Dale and Victoria Dittmar Nursing Endowment

    Dale and Victoria Dittmar Nursing Endowment

    Scholarships will be awarded to qualified nursing students enrolled in the School of Nursing that possess a GPA of 3.0 or above, and express a desire to work with veterans of the armed forces. Preference will be given to students who express an interest in the areas of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mental health care for veterans.

  • Dr. Barbara L. Lust, R.N., Ph.D., Colonel, (ret) U.S. Army Nurse Corps Memorial Scholarship

    Dr. Barbara L. Lust, R.N., Ph.D., Colonel, (ret) U.S. Army Nurse Corps Memorial Scholarship

    Scholarship will be awarded to students as deemed appropriate by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee.

  • Dr. Coleen Grissom Presidential Scholarship

    Dr. Coleen Grissom Presidential Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded based on financial need and academic excellence to students from the schools at UT Health on a rotating basis in the order that the schools were established.

  • Dr. Lark Ford Nursing Excellence Scholarship in honor of Mable C. and David Ford

    Dr. Lark Ford Nursing Excellence Scholarship in honor of Mable C. and David Ford

    This scholarship will support first-generation undergraduate nursing students who demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to students with a military affiliation. 

  • Emiliano & Benigna Ajon Memorial Scholarship

    Emiliano & Benigna Ajon Memorial Scholarship

    The scholarship will be awarded to first-generation students enrolled in the TBSN or ABSN nursing program who are currently in their 6th, 7th or 8th semester, demonstrate financial need, and possess a GPA of 2.5 to 3.3.

  • Evelyn Revels Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Evelyn Revels Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to underwrite the educational cost of UTHSCSA outstanding nurse practitioner student(s).

  • Faye and Arlie Price, Sr. Nursing Scholarship

    Faye and Arlie Price, Sr. Nursing Scholarship

    This scholarship supports students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program having transferred from the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) and demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to students participating in a joint degree program between the School of Nursing and UTSA designed to culminate in degrees from both institutions.

  • Greehey Scholars in Children's Health

    Greehey Scholars in Children's Health

    The Greehey Scholars in Children's Health Endowment will support scholarships for at least seven (7) students in need per year who have special interest in children's health sciences, children's cancer, or other complex diseases of childhood. The Greehey Scholars will help address the severe shortage of nurses, especially nurse practitioners, and allied health professionals, such as respiratory therapists, physical therapists, hearing specialists, and physician assistants.

    These Scholars will also fill a critical need to better meet the urgent health care needs of families, especially those with children who have cancer or other chronic illnesses. Greehey Scholars in the School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences will be students in financial need who exemplify academic excellence, high moral character, and the compassion to care for our most vulnerable children with cancer or other chronic disease.

    The Greehey Scholars in Children's Health Application Process:

    1. Eligible students must complete the scholarship application applicable to the school’s scholarship process.
    2. Applications reviewed by the Scholarship Committee designated by the Dean
    3. Applicants MUST complete (FASFA) to determine the applicant(s) financial need.
    4. Office of Financial Aid must provide:
      •   Proof of applicant’s amount of financial aid
      •   Proof of applicant’s current cumulative grade point ratio
    5. In addition the applicant MUST submit:
      1. Current academic program and plan
      2. Two page essay detailing the applicant’s interest with emphasis on:
        •   Children’s Health
        •   Children’s Cancer
        •   Or other areas of Children’s health
        •   Especially for Children’s with complex diseases
      3. Two Letters of reference:
        •   Faculty reference
        •   Clinical reference - if possible
        •   1st year students may submit 1 faculty and 1 additional reference.
    6. Completed application must be reviewed by the Dean or the respective schools and/or designee as follow:
      •   Extent of Financial Need 1 – 20
      •   Cumulative grade point ratio 1 – 20
      •   Demonstrated interest in children’s health based on applicants academic program and plan 1- 20
      •   Essay evaluation 1 – 20
      •   Applicant references 1 – 20

    A point total of 100 is a perfect score.

    1. All proposed Greehey Scholars require the recommendation of the Chair of the Greehey Endowment Committee and must be approved by the President.

    This is a competitive academic scholarship administered by the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, and as such has no residential restriction. Out-of-state students receiving this scholarship are considered In-state students for tuition purposes.

  • Harry S. Lynch, Sr. Endowed Memorial Scholarship

    Harry S. Lynch, Sr. Endowed Memorial Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to a qualified student enrolled in the School of Nursing. Selection of scholarship recipient(s) shall be made by the Dean of the School of Nursing or his/her designate, based on student financial need and academic excellence.

  • James Lukose '08, PharmD, RPh, BSN, RN Scholarship Fund

    James Lukose '08, PharmD, RPh, BSN, RN Scholarship Fund

    Scholarships will be awarded to students enrolled in the final (fourth) semester of the BSN program with a current GPA between 2.75 and 3.45. Recipient must serve as a peer mentor or supplemental instruction leader to junior students, serve as a member or officer in one or more university­ based organization, and have participated in at least one university-sponsored community service project (such as health fairs, orientation, Heart to Heart, ushering at graduation, Women's Council for Excellence, or comparable project). 

  • Jane Cheever Powell and Thomas Levin Powell, Jr. Nursing Scholarship Endowment in Honor of Carol Ann Swartz, M.S.N., R.N. and Barry Swartz, M.D.

    Jane Cheever Powell and Thomas Levin Powell, Jr. Nursing Scholarship Endowment in Honor of Carol Ann Swartz, M.S.N., R.N. and Barry Swartz, M.D.

    Scholarships will be awarded to deserving nursing students who plan to practice in San Antonio, Texas and have demonstrated academic excellence. Known as Powell Nursing Scholars, students will be awarded scholarships at the discretion of the Dean of the School of Nursing. Scholarships will be awarded to deserving nursing students who plan to practice in San Antonio, Texas and have demonstrated academic excellence. Known as Powell Nursing Scholars, students will be awarded scholarships at the discretion of the Dean of the School of Nursing. 

  • Jane Cheever Powell and Thomas Levin Powell, Jr. Nursing Scholarship Endowment in Honor of Victoria Bolling, R.N.

    Jane Cheever Powell and Thomas Levin Powell, Jr. Nursing Scholarship Endowment in Honor of Victoria Bolling, R.N.

    Scholarships will be awarded to deserving nursing students who plan to practice in San Antonio, Texas. Known as Powell Nursing Scholars, students will be awarded scholarships at the discretion of the Dean of the School of Nursing. 

  • Janey Briscoe Memorial Scholarship

    Janey Briscoe Memorial Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to a nursing student who demonstrates excellence in nursing, academic performance and with demonstrated financial need. The undergraduate nursing student must have completed 1 semester in nursing. The early Master's student can apply after completing 12 upper-division credit hours in nursing. The recipient must be enrolled in full-time study in the semester the award to receive and retain the award.

  • Jennifer Herin Selvester Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Jennifer Herin Selvester Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to graduate nursing students with a special interest in Maternal/Newborn Nursing and/or Nursing Education. 

  • Juanita Ruth Kirkpatrick Smith, BSN, RN, MSHPEd Endowed Scholarship

    Juanita Ruth Kirkpatrick Smith, BSN, RN, MSHPEd Endowed Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to master's level students enrolled in the nurse practicioner program who possess a GPA of 3.5 or above and demonstrate financial need. 

  • Judith and Marven Rosenblum Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Nursing

    Judith and Marven Rosenblum Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Nursing

    Scholarships will be awarded to qualified undergraduate or graduate students in the School of Nursingstudents with a GPA of 3.0 or above, and who are single parents.

  • Judith R. and William L. Pesetski Endowed Scholarship in Nursing

    Judith R. and William L. Pesetski Endowed Scholarship in Nursing

    Scholarships will be awarded to a deserving student currently enrolled in the School of Nursing and will be selected by a scholarship committee appointed by the Dean of the School of Nursing. 

  • Julia A. Thompson, Ph.D., RN Nursing Scholarship

    Julia A. Thompson, Ph.D., RN Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarship will be awarded to a student enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program OR the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD) program and demonstrate financial need per the FAFSA. Preference shall be given to a student with an interest in perioperative nursing.

  • Katherine Erdmann Shelby Endowed Memorial Scholarship

    Katherine Erdmann Shelby Endowed Memorial Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to students enrolled in the Early Master's Program who demonstrate financial need and have an interest in practicing maternal and child health nursing. 

  • Kelly S. Balser Nursing Scholarship

    Kelly S. Balser Nursing Scholarship

    This scholarship supports undergraduate nursing students who have a GPA of 3.25 or higher and have an interest in pediatrics. Preference will be given to a military spouse or a spouse of a veteran.

  • Lois Ann (Miller) and Robert Cole Nursing Scholarship

    Lois Ann (Miller) and Robert Cole Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarship will be awarded to a student enrolled in the Traditional BSN program, maintain at least a 2.7 GPA, and demonstrate financial need per the FAFSA.

  • Lois Ann (Miller) Cole Nursing Scholarship

    Lois Ann (Miller) Cole Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to students enrolled in the Traditional Bachelor of Science (BSN) program who possess a GPA of 2.7 or above and demonstrate financial need.

  • Loretta James Endowed Memorial Scholarship

    Loretta James Endowed Memorial Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to qualified undergraduate or graduate nursing students who possess a GPA of 3.5 or above. 

  • Louise and Michael Beldon Nursing Scholarship

    Louise and Michael Beldon Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarship will be awarded to a student enrolled in the Traditional BSN program who completed all prerequisites at an Alamo Community Colleges instituition prior to transfering to º£½ÇÂ×ÂÒ, and who possesses a GPA of 3.25 or greater. Prefererence shall be given to applicants who demonstrate financial need per the FAFSA. If funds are available, previous recipeints who remain in good standing will receive preference for renewal. 

  • Madalene Cain Nursing Scholarship

    Madalene Cain Nursing Scholarship

    This scholarship will be awarded to students enrolled in the BSN program that demonstrate high financial need and have a GPA of 3.0 or above.

  • Mary Faye Montgomery Endowed Memorial Scholarship

    Mary Faye Montgomery Endowed Memorial Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to a high achieving student enrolled in the Master's or Early Master's Program that demonstrates financial need.

  • Mary J. Ford Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Mary J. Ford Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student at the School of Nursing who demonstrates financial need.

  • Mary Margaret Moran Scholarship Fund

    Mary Margaret Moran Scholarship Fund

    The Mary Margaret Moran Scholarship award is based upon academic performance, philosophy of nursing and standards of practice, and financial need. A person may receive the Mary Margaret Moran Scholarship only once.

  • Mary Walker Scholarship

    Mary Walker Scholarship

    Scholarship will be awarded to a qualified graduate nursing student with an interest in acute care. 

  • Nancy Smith Hurd Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Nancy Smith Hurd Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to qualified undergraduate students at the School of Nursing that are U.S. Citizens or permanent residents with demonstrated financial need. The scholarship recipient must be a continuous full-time student with a declared major in Nursing, maintain a 3.0 GPA, and a 90% attendence record. 

  • Nursing Advisory Council Scholarship

    Nursing Advisory Council Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to deserving students enrolled in the Accelerated BSN program. 

  • Odette Viajar Denisa Nursing ScholarshipOdette Viajar Denisa Nursing Scholarship

    Odette Viajar Denisa Nursing ScholarshipOdette Viajar Denisa Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarship will be awarded to a student enrolled in the Master's of Science in Nursing (MSN) program that demonstrates financial need per the FAFSA. Preference will be given to a student in the Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practicioner (AG-ACNP) track. If no students are eligible, then award to a student in any NP track. If funds are available, previous recipients who remains in good academic standing will receive preference for renewal.

  • Patricia E. Miller Reed, Lois Ann Miller Cole, Jane June Miller, Warren "Butch" Miller, and Wanda E. Reed Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Patricia E. Miller Reed, Lois Ann Miller Cole, Jane June Miller, Warren "Butch" Miller, and Wanda E. Reed Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to stduents enrolled in the Advanced Practice Nursing Program and have a desire to practice as a Nurse Practicioner upon graduation. 

  • Presidential Scholarship Endowment

    Presidential Scholarship Endowment

    Scholarships will be awarded to at least one new student every year. Recipients will be known as Presidential Scholars and will be chosen yearly on a rotating basis from the following individual schools in the order that the schools were established. The selection of recipients shall be made by the Deans of the respective schools or his/her designate based on financial need and academic excellence. 

  • Ruth Ann Baldwin Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Ruth Ann Baldwin Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to undergraduate or graduate nursing students who possess the same passion for nursing as Ruth Ann Baldwin. Recipients must be enrolled full time and be committed to leadership roles within their programs. Scholarships will be awarded based on merit and commitment to the profession. 

  • Sam Barshop Scholarship for Clinical Excellence

    Sam Barshop Scholarship for Clinical Excellence

    Scholarships will be awarded based upon clinical performance, potential contribution to nursing and academic performance. An undergraduate applicant must have completed 20 upper-division nursing credit hours in nursing, and an Early Master's student can apply after completing 12 upper-division credit hours in nursing. 

  • San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc. Scholarship

    San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc. Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to students that demonstrate an intent to practice in a rural and small town and have community service experience, satisfactory academic performance, prior experience in agriculture or ranching (family or recipient) and demonstrate financial need. 

  • Santa Rosa Children's Hospital Scholarship Fund in Memory of Taylor Andrew Marceau

    Santa Rosa Children's Hospital Scholarship Fund in Memory of Taylor Andrew Marceau

    Scholarships will be awarded to undergraduate or graduate nursing students enrolled in the School of Nursing who have completed their first two semesters and are interested in pediatric nursing. The applicants will be selected based upon academic achievement in the SON, high moral character, and financial need. 

  • Shawne and Amir Zakaria Nursing Scholarship

    Shawne and Amir Zakaria Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarship will be awarded to a student enrolled in the BSN program that has healthcare related volunteer experience, and demonstrates financial need per the FAFSA.

  • Shelvia-Brown Garcia Nursing Scholarship

    Shelvia-Brown Garcia Nursing Scholarship

    This scholarship will be awarded to a student in the Traditional BSN program who completed all prerequisites at an Alamo Community Colleges institution and possesses a GPA of 3.25 or greater.

  • Sunshine Medical Uniforms Endowment

    Sunshine Medical Uniforms Endowment

    Scholarships will be awarded to nursing students who possess a GPA of 3.0 or above. 

  • Sylvia Flores Gonzalez Nursing Scholarship

    Sylvia Flores Gonzalez Nursing Scholarship

    Eligible applicants must be enrolled in the Traditional BSN programand demonstrate financial need per the FAFSA. Preference shall be given to applicants who have an interest in oncology/hematology nursing. 

  • Tamara Lynn Baker Memorial Nursing Scholarship

    Tamara Lynn Baker Memorial Nursing Scholarship

    This scholarship will support undergraduate nursing students with financial need. Preference will be given to a military spouse or spouse of a veteran.

  • Texas Graduate Nursing Association Scholarship

    Texas Graduate Nursing Association Scholarship

    Scholarship will be awarded to a student that has been fully admitted to the graduate program (no conditional admission), have a personal commintment to preprare for a role as a nurse educator in an academic setting, have a graduate GPA of 3.25 or higher, and be in enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours (part-time) or 9 credit hours (full time).

  • The Bates Medical Scholarship Fund in the School of Nursing

    The Bates Medical Scholarship Fund in the School of Nursing

    Scholarships will be awarded to students who will "specialize" as Registered Nurses. Preference will be given to students who desire to serve as faculty upon graduation. 

  • The Canseco Foundation Presidential Scholarship Endowment

    The Canseco Foundation Presidential Scholarship Endowment

    Scholarships will be awarded to students with a diploma from any high school located in Webb or Zapata Counties, Texas who meet the application criteria and who are enrolled in either the School of Medicine, School of Health Professions, and School of Nursing. 

  • The Dorothy Banks Charitable Scholarship

    The Dorothy Banks Charitable Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to undergraduate nursing students that have completed at least one semester in the School of Nursing in good standing, are enrolled in at least 12 hours, are Texas residents or resident aliens, possess a GPA of 2.5 or greater, and demonstrate financial need per the FAFSA. Preference will be given to students from a rural, or medically underserved county. 

  • The Jill Earle Waddy Memorial Scholarship

    The Jill Earle Waddy Memorial Scholarship

    Scholarship will be awarded to a deserving undergraduate student with demonstrated financial need. 

  • The Joe R. and Teresa L. Long Scholarship Research and Teaching Fund

    The Joe R. and Teresa L. Long Scholarship Research and Teaching Fund

    Scholarships will be awarded to students enrolled in the School of Nursing that are Texas residents and demonstrate financial need. The award may be continued for multiple years of study, and students who are Long Nursing Scholars are allowed and encouraged to reapply for scholarships each year. 

  • The Kelley and Pat Frost Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    The Kelley and Pat Frost Endowed Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to graduate nursing students who have aspirations of returning to academia to educate our future nurses. 

  • The Leonard and Shirley Sterling Endowed Scholarship for Undergraduate Nursing at the University of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio

    The Leonard and Shirley Sterling Endowed Scholarship for Undergraduate Nursing at the University of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio

    Scholarships will be awarded to undergraduate students in the School of Nursing. 

  • The Lewis and Nancy Thorne Living Endowment Scholarship

    The Lewis and Nancy Thorne Living Endowment Scholarship

    Scholarships will be awarded to students enrolled in the School of Nursing.

  • UTHSCSA Nursing Alumni Scholarship Fund

    UTHSCSA Nursing Alumni Scholarship Fund

    Scholarship will be awarded to a qualified nursing student in good standing and will be selected by the Dean of the School of Nursing or a designee. 

  • Wilma Hayek Nursing Scholarship in Memory of Joe and Lillie Jurica Hayek

    Wilma Hayek Nursing Scholarship in Memory of Joe and Lillie Jurica Hayek

    Scholarships will be awarded to undergraduate nursing students who demonstrate financial need.