
School of Nursing

Academic Support

Office of Admissions & Student Services

Academic Coaching

Academic Success Coaches work with students one-on-one to create customized success plans to help reach academic goals. Academic coaching provides the skills and strategies necessary to be a successful nursing student and develop the intellectual and personal qualities necessary for lifelong learning. Available for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Schedule an Appointment with a Coach

To schedule an appointment, contact the Student Success Center at 210-567-5892, email SONStudentSuccess@uthscsa.edu, or visit the Center to schedule in person.

Academic Workshops

Workshops are small group sessions facilitated by Student Success staff. These sessions provide strategies and best practices to effectively address a variety of topics and issues including resume building, test-taking, study strategies, time management, reading strategies, stress management, financial literacy, scholarship tips, and more.

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions allow students to study in a supportive group environment. Sessions are peer-led and facilitated by current students who have mastered the course and have been trained to utilize interactive learning strategies. Regularly scheduled SI gives students the opportunities to discuss readings, develop organizational tools, compare notes, and learn to study strategically. Only available to BSN students.

Personal Tutoring

Personal tutoring is available by appointment at the School of Nursing and other locations on campus. Tutors assist students with subject knowledge and help develop academic skills and strategies. Only available to BSN students.

Peer Mentoring

The School of Nursing Peer Mentor position is a unique opportunity to welcome and support the transition of fifth (1st) semester nursing students in the º£½ÇÂ×ÂÒ community. Peer mentors work with new students and educate them on campus resources, academic support, and co-curricular activities. Mentors play an active role during new student orientation and throughout the first semester as new students are full of questions and face new challenges for the first time. Peer Mentors are expected to support the Student Success Center in developing a sense of community and supporting the needs of new nursing students.

Please contact the Student Success Center at SONStudentSuccess@uthscsa.edu to learn more.