
Long School of Medicine

Frequently Asked Questions


Undergraduate Medical Education

What is a Veritas family?

Within the five Veritas societies, there are four families for a total of 20 families overall. Each family consists of 10-11 students from each class. Two to three students from both the MS2 and MS4 classes are chosen as leaders and mentors to facilitate Veritas meetings and guide the MS1 class throughout their transition to medical school. Each family also has a resident and faculty mentor who participate and act as invaluable resources for students.

“Veritas is an amazing organization that gives students the opportunity to learn from a variety of different mentors, ranging from MS2s to faculty. The different levels of mentorship allows for more personalized advice that matures as you mature through med school.â€
  - 2021 MS4 Veritas participant

Do I get to choose my Veritas family?

Every student is assigned to a Veritas family upon starting medical school. You will remain a member of this family throughout your time at the Long School of Medicine. Veritas families meet together about once a month and often become some of your closest friends in medical school.

“My Veritas family has been a doorway into the things outside of class that make medical school an enriching and meaningful experience.â€
  - 2021 MS1 Veritas participant

What is the orientation retreat like?

Veritas student-mentors work alongside the academic leadership of the Long School of Medicine to host a unique, overnight orientation retreat before the first semester of classes begin. The retreat consists of fun team-building activities as well as informative sessions that you will experience alongside your Veritas family. It is a unique opportunity to meet people, make connections, and have fun before starting the intense journey of medical school.

“Veritas is so much more than a peer advising group; it's a group of friends who you can count on while getting used to a new city and figuring out how to balance everything with medical school.â€
  - 2021 MS4 Veritas participant

How much do most students participate in Veritas?

While you are automatically placed in a Veritas family from your first day of school, participation in Veritas is completely optional. However, students who actively participate in Veritas find it to be a great source of academic support and built-in community. There are also many opportunities for leadership within Veritas starting in your second year of medical school.

“Veritas is a great opportunity for you to meet people who want to help you, who are farther along in your journey than you. You are immediately put into a group of people who want each other to succeed, and it is a great way to make friends.â€
  - 2021 MS1 Veritas participant

How does Veritas support my academic goals in medical school?

Your Veritas family often becomes the first place you turn to for academic or career advice. The personalized mentorship makes it easy to find answers to any question you may have. Veritas meetings focus on topics such as professional identity formation, STEP 1 studying, planning for clinical clerkships, and work-life balance in medical school. Student, resident, and faculty mentors are always available for one-on-one meetings and are eager to share their experiences with you.

“Veritas is a way of ensuring that in a big school with so many resources, you know about the ones that are most helpful for you and pertinent to your career goals.â€
  - 2021 MS4 Veritas participant

Does Veritas help with my career planning for after graduation?

Yes! In addition to the mentorship provided through your family leadership, Veritas hosts events like Career Nights, CV workshops, Mock Interview nights, and many more. These events are integral in supporting your career goals at each stage in medical school from identifying your passions to interviewing for a residency program.

“Because of Veritas, I was able to get connected to different student groups on campus and take on leadership roles that aligned with my future career goals. I was able to meet with my faculty mentor at multiple points in the year to discuss my goals, find research experiences, and prepare for residency.â€
  - 2021 MS4 Veritas participant

Is Veritas only for academic and career advising?

No; Veritas plays a huge role in creating community within the student body at the Long School of Medicine. Throughout the year, Veritas hosts events like Color Wars, holiday parties, and Spirit Week that foster healthy competition among the societies and build relationships between the students. Veritas emphasizes the mental and emotional wellness of students through the creation of this supportive community.

“[Veritas] was there for me when I was overwhelmed studying. It was there for me making tough decisions about my career, it was there for me to bring a smile to my face, and it was there for me when I needed a family most.â€
  - 2021 MS3 Veritas participant


For more information on the Veritas program and its history, see the links below.

Veritas Program Page

Veritas Founders