
Long School of Medicine

Jessie Davis

About me

I am an out of state, second-year MD/MPH student. I am from Southern California and went to UCLA for undergrad, where I majored in biochemistry. I took a gap year after graduation and I worked as a tutor for middle school and high school students. Then, after applying with my fiancé, we both ended up at Long! Since coming here, I have expanded my interests in public health and community service. I am involved in Frontera de Salud, an organization that helps to provide primary care to South Texas. I am currently interested in pediatrics.


Spending time with my dog, hiking, reading, cooking

Topics I feel comfortable talking about

Gap year, applying with a significant other, dual degree (MD/MPH program)

What I hope to gain from this experience

I would love to let pre-meds see what it is like to be a medical student here. I would also love to give insight into how my application process was.

How to contact me

Email: davisj15@livemail.uthscsa.edu