Events and Resources

For the latest calendar of events and other important links, visit your Class Canvas MD/MPH page (log-in required).

Program For Empathy Encouragement Reflection and Support logo

PEERS Program

The PEERS Program (Program for Empathy, Encouragement, Reflection and Support) is a peer mentorship program where our upper level MD/MPH students mentor first-year students to provide guidance and support for navigating the two degrees. 

With support from program staff, PEERS mentors lead sessions to reflect on goals, career pathways, ways to persist in both programs, and logistics of each program.

Leadership opportunities

There are many leadership opportunities for our MD/MPH students to gain professional development and training, including:

PEERS Mentoring

Pictures and names of PEERS mentors for 2024-25.

  • 3 MS2 and 3 MS4 current MD/MPH students each year
  • Responsibilities run from September – January.
  • PEERS mentors provide feedback and mentorship once a month to MS1 MD/MPH students. 

MD/MPH Representative

Picture of student representation Natalie Johnson

  • 1 MS2 current MD/MPH student each year
  • Responsibilities run from February MS1 – January MS2.
  • Member of the Medical School Council (MSC) on behalf of MD/MPH students, reminder MD/MPH students of program events and other notable news.

Outside Opportunities

Archer Graduate Fellowship

Founded in 2001 by Congressman Bill Archer, the Archer Center serves as the Washington, D.C., campus of the University of Texas System.  The Archer Center seeks to educate the next generation of leaders from Texas and instill in them a love of public service.  

You can find more information at the .

San Antonio Metro Health Internship

The San Antonio Metropolitan Health District is the public health agency serving the City of San Antonio and Bexar County. The responsibility of the local health department is to provide public health programs.

Although Metro Health is a City/County organization, administrative control is under the City of San Antonio and Metro Health is operated as a City department.

Interested in interning as part of the practicum? Email Stephanie for more information.

Featured Student

It is estimated that only 10-20% of a person’s health is attributable to their clinical care. The other 80-90% of modifiable factors that influence health, including a person’s physical environment, socioeconomic environment, and health behavior, fall under the realm of Public Health. While my MD will equip me to readily recognize and treat disease, my MPH has given me a lens to see and address the health of patients within their larger context.

Meredith Hosek, Class of 2023