
School of Health Professions

MSIS Complaint Policy

It is the policy of the M.S. in Imaging Sciences program to work with students to find fair and equitable solutions to problems apart from those invoking the grievance procedures.

Step 1: The student should first take their problem or question to their course professor(s). Usually, the professor will have direct knowledge about the subject and is best qualified to resolve the situation.

Step 2: If the student and professor are unable to find a solution or answer within a reasonable amount of time, the student may then bring the matter to the attention of the Program Director or Director of Clinical Education. The student should feel free to discuss the matter fully.

Step 3: Should a satisfactory and impartial solution not result from Step 2, the student may pursue the matter through the Chair of the School of Health Professions.

UTHSCSA Grievance Policy


The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio provides the opportunity for students to file a grievance for academic and non-academic complaints. Both academic and non-academic grievance processes are managed by the dean of the school in which the student is enrolled. 


The student grievance policy is based on authority delegated by the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Grievance policies for academic and non-academic matters are administered by each school. The student appeal process for academic and non-academic matters resides in the school of student enrollment. The dean of the school in which the student is enrolled has the responsibility to hear final appeals and to make the final decision.


Student Academic Grievance Procedures

Each school at the health science center has a defined academic and non-academic grievance policy to meet the needs of its students. 

Please refer to the school-specific section information:

School of Health Professions: uthscsa.edu/health-professions

Student Nonacademic Grievance Procedure

A student filing a non-academic grievance should provide the following information: relevant names, locations, dates, witnesses and description of the incident(s) that occurred. If the accused individual is a health science center employee, the employee’s immediate supervisor receives the written grievance. Please refer to the Student Mistreatment Policy in this catalog for information on the non-academic grievance procedure.