School of Dentistry

Eating Healthy: UTHSA Fiesta barge theme and former Fiesta royalty’s passion

Watch Prof. Gross' 2016 interview where she discusses mindful eating during the Fiesta season.
Georgiana S. Gross, MPH, RDN, LD, clinical assistant professor in the Department of Comprehensive Dentistry, enjoys Fiesta season and fondly recalls representing San Antonio as a member of the 1973 Fiesta Court. As one of two Miss Fiesta alternates, she attended multiple receptions and parades across the state with a special appearance at the Rose Bowl in Los Angeles, California. Now a licensed dietitian and honorary member of Omicron Kappa Upsilon, a dental honor society, Professor Gross has dedicated her career to the teaching and research of nutrition and health at the since 1998. During this year’s Texas Cavaliers River Parade, will be celebrating the School of Dentistry’s 50th Anniversary with the river barge theme: “Eating Healthy”. “’Eating Healthy’ is such a wonderful message to our fellow San Antonians since Fiesta is a time of overindulgence,” Professor Gross said. “One can consume thousands of unhealthy calories in one evening, so I believe we need to set the example as representatives of the health community.” In a 2016 interview with Spectrum News 1, Professor Gross spoke of celebratory overeating and how to practice restraint during the Fiesta season. “Stop eating before you are full to avoid feeling stuffed and limit alcohol to two servings for the evening,” she advised. “As I tell the students, the oral cavity is the gate keeper of overall good health because it determines the quality of the food we consume.” Professor Gross will help represent the School of Dentistry in the 76th Texas Cavaliers River Parade scheduled Monday, June 21 at 7:00 PM. Get your tickets today! Parade proceeds support local children’s charities through the Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation.
Prof. Georgiana Gross (center), Miss Fiesta alternate, with Miss Fiesta, Janet Troutman (left) and co-alternate, Sandra Ojeda (right).

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