School of Dentistry

Back-to-school dental checkups can impact students’ attendance

As back-to-school preparations are wrapping up and children return back to school, an often-neglected item on the checklist is a routine dental appointment. According to research, when schools open in the fall, children will be three times more likely to miss school days due to dental-related problems than any other illness. "Tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease in the U.S.," said Maria Jose Cervantes-Mendez, DDS, MS, director of the Advanced Education in Pediatric Dentistry Program at . "One in four children are likely to have tooth decay by the time they go to kindergarten in our community.” Cervantes' statements are backed by the National Institutes of Health and the National Children's Oral Health Foundation, which have stated that emergency pediatric dental care cost up to $1.6 billion in 2012. That startling number reveals that children receive urgent dental care rather than more affordable preventative care, which can cost families more than just money. UT Dentistry's Chief Dental Officer, Micaela B. Gibbs, DDS, MHA, explained how dental disease could cost children their physical and mental wellness. "Dental cavities in children can have serious long-term effects on their overall health and quality of life," she said. "The inability to eat can cause malnutrition and underdevelopment, and pain from dental disease impairs a child's ability to sleep and learn. The stigma of poor oral health impacts self-esteem and socialization. All these collectively have long-term consequences that last into adulthood." Breaking it down Cavities, known as dental caries, are an infectious disease caused by bacteria that produce acid when they feed on sugar in the mouth. The acid breaks down the tooth's outer enamel layer, allowing bacteria to enter it and multiply. As cavities grow and bacteria continue to produce acid, the tooth continues to break down, often leading to infection, pain and swelling. When this process happens in primary or "baby" teeth, it causes tooth loss that can lead to severe crowding, difficulty chewing, and even damage to the permanent teeth that have not yet erupted. Unfortunately, two common factors contribute to minority children and those living in lower socioeconomic conditions being at the most risk for cavities that turn into serious infections. - Nutrition
While many families know what a healthy balanced diet includes, rising costs combined with a lack of nutritious foods readily available force the consumption of a carbohydrate-heavy diet, such as rice, potatoes, beans and bread. As carbohydrate particles become stuck between teeth after eating and drinking, they turn into sugar, the preferred food source for bacteria living in the mouth. - Access to care
Significant barriers exist for many families when attempting to receive dental care. The high cost of dental treatment, lack of insurance coverage, an insufficient number of Medicaid providers, language barriers and geographical challenges all provide obstacles for well-intentioned patients. For many cultures, a lack of experience with dentistry or not understanding its importance also contributes to hesitancy in seeking care. It's never too late "According to the National Center for Health Statistics, Hispanic children ages 2 to 19 years have the highest prevalence of tooth decay at 52% compared with non-Hispanic white children who are affected at 39%," Cervantes said. "We recommend that children visit a dentist by age one, so we can prevent dental disease from starting." South Texas families can be at ease when considering their child's dental care – it's never too late to schedule an appointment with a dentist. An exam will include an assessment of each tooth, the tissues of the mouth, the surrounding features of the head and neck, a preventive cleaning and fluoride treatment. Low-cost care is also available closer than parents might imagine. The Ricardo Salinas Dental Clinic in San Antonio and the Laredo Health Department dental clinic offer patients high-quality, expert care at a manageable cost. Each clinic employs a bilingual staff, accepts patients with Medicaid, offers pediatric services on a sliding fee scale and is managed by board-certified pediatric dental faculty. "We are incredibly proud of the exceptional care offered at these community clinics," said Gibbs. "Patients will never experience lower quality care just because of reduced service cost." Many community partners and corporate sponsors would agree. The San Antonio Metropolitan Health District, the Children's Shelter of San Antonio, and the Texas Cavaliers have been long-term supporters of the Ricardo Salinas Clinic, keeping patient costs low. Delta Dental's Community Care Foundation awarded $50,000 to support patient care at both clinics in July. The Laredo dental clinic is likewise only possible with the partnership of the City of Laredo's Health Department. How to make an appointment "Appointments are available," said Cervantes. "A dental issue should be the last thing on our children's mind while at school and we can help ensure that." Families have numerous options for care from UT Dentistry with faculty members who have decades of expertise as pediatric dentists as well as trained residents specializing in pediatric dental care. Parents can make an appointment for the Ricardo Salinas Dental Clinic by dialing 210-436-0098 or the Laredo Health Department dental clinic at 956-523-7500. Clinic location and maps can be found on Appointments are also available at UT Dentistry’s Pediatric dental clinic located in San Antonio's medical center by calling 210-450-3524. The clinic serves all children from birth through teens, from those who need basic checkups to those who have special needs and requirements for care.

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