
School of Dentistry

2020 Predoctoral Convocation Awards

The º£½ÇÂ×ÂÒ School of Dentistry recognized the accomplishments from predoctoral dental students during the 2019-2020 academic year by hosting a virtual ceremony on Friday, August 14, 2020. Stefanie Seitz, DDS, assistant dean of students, presided as master of ceremonies and presented the following awards and recognitions. Professor of the Year Awards: Presented by each predoctoral class to recognize an outstanding faculty member. • The DS1 class selected Haley Nation, PhD, assistant professor in the department of cell systems and anatomy. • The DS2 class selected Anne C. Jones, DDS, professor in the department of pathology. • The DS3 class selected Daniel P. Lavin, DDS, clinical assistant professor in the department of comprehensive dentistry. Awarded by the Mu Nu Chapter of Omicron Kappa Upsilon: The OKU awards recognize undergraduate dental students who show the greatest potential for future advancement of the profession and service to humanity. • The Kramer Award: Victoria Diggs • Mu Nu Memorial Award: Robert Brock • Sophomore Academic Excellence Award: Gerardo Flores • Sophomore Research Excellence Award: Ashley Wallace Furr • Sophomore Service Excellence Award: Joelle Foster The º£½ÇÂ×ÂÒ Ambassador Scholarship: Designed to recognize and reward the outstanding students at our School who will be leaders for the health professions in Texas. • Katharina Tosti The Edward G. Rennels and Vick Williams Award: Given to the student with the highest overall score in the Human Health and Disease Craniofacial Complex course. • Nicholas Bowerman The Pierre Fauchard Academy Dental Student Scholarship Award: Presented to an individual who has demonstrated the greatest potential of developing into an outstanding leader in the dental profession. • Bailey Bell Texas Dental Association Smiles Foundation Scholarship: Awarded to two first year students who demonstrate academic excellence and leadership potential. • Nicholas Bowerman • Caitlyn Hornsby The Arthur T. Storey Scholar’s Award: Presented to a third-year dental student who best perpetuates the ideals of Arthur T. Storey: Love of Scholarship and Intellectual Pursuit. The most prestigious orthodontic award given to a predoctoral student. • Dakota Miller The Carus Dental Scholarship: Awarded to a student who exhibits leadership qualities, works well in a team, and who characterizes a future group practitioner. • Anthony Jaramillo Awarded by the Teaching Honors Program: The CACTUS awards are presented to second-year Teaching Honors Program students who participate as individuals and as teams in a classroom teaching competition. • Outstanding Individual Presentation – Stephanie Tran • Outstanding Classroom Presentation Team – Gerado Flores, Huy Nguyen, Tyler Birk, and Stephanie Tran. The Alliance of Texas Dental Association Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to three dental students, honoring their academic excellence and leadership. • Amy Martinez • Jacqueline Zubick • Ramiro Rodriguez The Junior Clinic Award for Excellence in Clinical Dentistry: Presented to one junior student from each of the eight group practices in recognition of their outstanding clinical skills and patient management. • Group 1 – Easton Trejo • Group 2 – Dakota Miller • Group 3 – Cassidy Brooke Taylor • Group 4 – Gala Myers • Group 5 – Kelli Jimmerson • Group 6 – Katharina Tosti • Group 7 – George Melton • Group 8 – Paxton Short The School of Dentistry wishes to congratulate all the awardees and their faculty mentors. The 2020 Predoctoral Convocation Award ceremony can be viewed in it’s entirety on SharePoint.
Pablo Medina, 2019-2020 DS2 Class President, presents the DS2 Faculty of the Year Award.

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